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Program Organizersبرگزار کنندگان همایش

Scientific Chair:

Ehsan Kamrani, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Shahid Beheshti Institute of Medical Science and Technology, Iran

Program Chair:

  Mojtaba Zarei, MD, PhD, FRCP

Professor of Neuroscience and Neurology

Shahid Beheshti Institute of Medical Science and Technology, Iran

Executive Chair:

Masoud Tahmasian, MD ,PhD

Assistant Professor of  Neuroscience

Shahid Beheshti Institute of Medical Science and Technology, Iran


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Address: Institute of Medical Science and Technology,
Shahid Beheshti University Velenjak, Daneshjoo Blvd., Tehran, Iran
Telephone: +98-21-29905801
Email: info@humanbrainmapping.ir