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Press Conference - 27.08.2017

 The 4th Iranian Human Brain Mapping press conference was held on 27 August 2017 at Shahid Beheshti Institute of Medical Science and Technology. Professor Mojtaba Zarei, program chair of IHBM annual meeting and Dr. Masoud Tahmasian, the executive chair were both present at the press conference and responded to the questions on topics such as the principle goals of this congress and the invited speakers as well as the congress topics.



The executive chair explained the primary congress program by pointing out that 80 talks and 3 workshops will be held during the congress period. He hinted that the 2nd Neuroscience and Cognitive Science consortium will as well be held at the meantime.

 Professor Zarei, the program chair of IHBM, introduced Brain Mapping by describing its main features and defined the situation of this science at the present time. He also pointed out to the wide and varied literature of this topic as well as the brilliant scientific efforts which have been carried out in the related researches. He significantly emphasized the fact that Brain Mapping data and results do not have any diagnostic uses. However, in plenty of cases, there are some healthcare centers which took semi Brain Mapping data from patients and charge them with expensive bills but these data had no scientific basis at all.

 He added that it takes lots of effort and time to take a step closer to using Brain Mapping data in a wide range of diagnostic practices but we do hope for some progress toward this object day by day.



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