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About Tehran


About Tehran:

Tehran is the most populated city in Iran and Western Asia. Aside from being the political capital of Iran,
Tehran is also a great and significant monument in cultural and historical matters. The city is home to
plenty spectacular landmarks and has hosted many generations of art and architecture. The 200-year background in being capital has caused a specific cultural structure. The old structure,
along with modernly designed skyscrapers makes any new comer face spectacularly
picturesque and exquisite scenery.

You can enjoy a splendid visit to several royal historical complexes such as Golestan Palace, Sa'adabad
Palace and Niavaran Palace. Paying a visit to the city's most famous landmarks that are Azadi Tower,
Milad Tower and Tabiat Bridge, will certainly add great and memorable time to your sojourn.

Tehran's great  International airport is Imam Khomeini airport (IKA).

The city is served by several efficient means of transportation such as a central railway, a rapid subway system (Map) as well as trolleybuses and a BRT (Map) system.

Weather And Climate:
Tehran is an appropriate example of a city which experinces different types of weather during the year. With
the towering Alborz Mountains set in the northern parts and the central desert extending to its south,
the city typically experiences mild springs followed by hot and dry summers. Autumns, however, are
mostly rainy while there is a chance of snowfall in winters. Thus, Tehran is generally marked by a semi cold-arid climate as well as some Mediterranean features.

Commercial Areas And Shopping Malls:
You may find a wide range of shops and shopping centers located all  over the city. You can pay a visit to the two biggest and oldest Bazaars which are The Grand Bazaar and The Tajrish Bazaar and have a close experience of the traditional and historical economic air of the city. You may as well be interested in taking a nice and exciting walk in some of the best shopping districts such as Vali-Asr st. ,Mirdamad st. and also Dr.Shariati st. Modern shopping centers such as Tirajeh,  Hyperstar, Tandis , Golestan ,Palladium and 7center exemplify a modern combination of style and technology and provide a wide range of shops to serve their costumers the most willingly.


Tehran's historical icons invites everyone to get a closer glance at the rich history laying hidden
underneath them. The National Museum in Tehran , Museum of Carpet, Museum of Glass Painting,
Ferdows Garden, Qasr Prison Museum and Malek Museum display plenty of the greatest and the most
valuable collections that represent the most significantly delicate and artistic view of Persian culture.
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art is also a magnificent permanent exhibition of truly valuable and
artistic pieces of several well-known artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.
Iran’s National Jewelry Museum is claimed to be guarding the world's largest jewel collection and it would
be surely an immense pleasure for everyone to behold these spectacular pieces.

"Rial" is Iran's official currency. However, people commonly use “Toman” to describe prices
.Thus, it is advisable to remember that each "Toman" equals 10 (ten) "Rials".

Voltage And Electricitry:
The voltage used in Iran is uniformly 220 volts, A.C 50 Hertz. 3 pin-plugs and columnar-shaped plugs
have no use in Iran and 2 pin-plugs are used instead. Therefore purchasing a plug adaptor is critically


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Address: Institute of Medical Science and Technology,
Shahid Beheshti University Velenjak, Daneshjoo Blvd., Tehran, Iran
Telephone: +98-21-29905801
Email: info@humanbrainmapping.ir